Waterpod selected by Ports of Jersey

We are delighted to announce that Waterpod has been selected by the Ports of Jersey to build and install floating accommodation into St Helier marina, Jersey, as also announced by the Ports of Jersey earlier today, as part of a project previously reported by the BBC and ITV news.

The Waterpods will be based on modified versions of our Waterpod 35, 1 bedroom model, adapted to make layout and design changes to suit the unique location, as well as adding a range of eco-friendly features including solar PV to generate their own electricity and air-source heat pumps for efficient heating and cooling.

Harbour Master, Captain Bill Sadler, said:

“Our team conducted a rigorous procurement process and selected Waterpod for their commitment to sustainability, their price competitiveness and innovative approach to design and construction.

We are confident that these floating pods will enhance the marina’s appeal and provide eco-friendly holiday accommodation that puts sustainability and responsible tourism at the heart of St Helier. This unique accommodation will be available to both visitors and Islanders, enabling everyone to enjoy Jersey’s marine heritage in a way that appeals to them.”

Jersey’s Minister for Sustainable Economic Development, Deputy Kirsten Morel, said:

“This exciting project underlines Jersey’s commitment to sustainable and innovative tourism, allowing visitors to enjoy short stays on the water. Many tourists are looking for unique experiences as part of their holiday, and this floating accommodation will add to all the rich and varied experiences already on offer in Jersey.”

CGI image showing the pods in St Helier marina, Jersey.

CGI image showing the pods in St Helier marina, Jersey,

The Ports of Jersey are responsible for the operation and development of all of the ports (including marina’s and airport) in Jersey and will use the floating pods for short-term accomodation for visitors or locals wishing to stay in the marina but who may not have a boat of their own.

Tom Luke, Co-Director of Waterpod, said:

“We are thrilled to be selected by Ports of Jersey and involved with this innovative project and I am personally excited that more people will have the opportunity to experience the joy of living afloat, even if just for a short stay.

The floating pods will be built using 100% sustainable materials and will incorporate state-of-the-art eco technology to minimise their carbon footprint while maximising guest comfort all year around, even in cold winters and hot summers. We will build the pods in Berkshire, UK and therefore they will only travel a short distance by road and sea to reach their destination in Jersey later this year.”

The first two Waterpods will be delivered later in 2024.


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