Sustainability. What does it really mean?

The word “sustainable” is thrown around all too easily by companies looking to appeal to potential customers and the public. We think it’s critically important not to just to say it, but to mean it. After all, we create, transport and support large floating apartments designed to last over 50 years, so we have the opportunity to have a positive effect on the planet, and a responsibility to do the right thing.

Here’s how we put our money where our mouth is and ensure that Waterpod floating apartments are as sustainable and ecologically friendly as possible, at every stage in their lifecycle:

  1. Built from 100% Sustainable Materials
    Waterpods are built from sustainable materials. That means a combination of recycled materials (such as the exterior cladding and decking, made from recycled plastics and timber, thus reusing waste that would otherwise go to landfill); sustainable materials (such as the timber which make up the structure of the pod which comes from sustainable FSC certified forests) and recyclable materials (such as the aluminium hull).

    Note: while it is impractical for us to guarantee that some of the small components we use (such as screws) are each sustainable, we ensure that over 99% of the materials (by gross mass) are sustainable.

  2. Minimizing Transport Distances
    Transport is the largest emitting sector of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, producing 24% of the UK's total emissions in 2020 according to the UK government. Transporting houseboats by road emits approximately 1.6KG of carbon per mile transported. While at least some transport is unavoidable, we minimise it by building our Waterpods here in the UK and minimising the distances to their final destination.
    A number of other houseboat companies in the UK re-sell houseboats built in Eastern Europe, over 1000 miles away by road, resulting in over 1.6 metrics tons of carbon emitted for each delivery.

  3. High Insulation - 10cm+
    Every Waterpod has 10cm of insulation (average across walls, roof and floor) installed as standard, with optional upgrades available. Good insulation is critical in minimising the heating and cooling requirements which not only reduces carbon footprint and energy bills, but keeps them comfortable all year round.

  4. Energy Efficient Lighting, Heating and Appliances
    We fit-out Waterpods with energy efficient electrical appliances to minimise their energy consumption. That includes Air Source Heat Pumps, which are over 300% energy efficient and one of the most efficient forms of residential heating, low energy lighting and A-rated appliances. We also use water efficient showers, toilets and dishwashers to minimise water consumption.

  5. Green Energy Generation
    We offer solar PV systems on all of our Waterpods, enabling them to generate their own electricity - and can even generate more energy than they consume throughout the year, with surplus power feeding into the grid. By minimising reliance on the grid for electricity, the carbon footprint is kept to a minimum.

    Overall, Waterpods consume considerably less energy and water and are more environmentally friendly than the vast majority of houses and apartments, so the longer your stay onboard, the better for the environment !

    Contact us to discuss how you would like to live a more environmentally sustainable lifestyle on water.


The Benefits of Being Built in Britain: Why Waterpod’s UK Production Matters


Waterpod selected by Ports of Jersey